Embracing Mindfulness: Nurturing Mental Health in May and Beyond

As May unfolds, it brings with it a poignant reminder of the importance of mental health. Designated as Mental Health Awareness Month, May serves as a platform for raising awareness, promoting understanding, and encouraging support for those grappling with mental health challenges. In this spirit, let us explore the role of mindfulness in nurturing mental well-being, not only throughout May but throughout the entire year.

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Fight Off Seasonal Depression by Setting New Goals

Winter is here and that means shorter days and longer nights. For many people, the decrease in natural sunlight can lead to a type of depression commonly called seasonal affective disorder or SAD.

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Preparing for the Holiday … Ways to offset Holiday Blues

Between Thanksgiving and the New Year is considered the most wonderful, happy time of the year. Families get together, parties are planned, and many look forward to traveling and time off from school or work to celebrate and relax.

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Getting Your Mindset Right for the Holiday Season

The holiday season often brings fun, connection, and joy - but also stress, exhaustion, and sadness for many people. High expectations around creating perfect moments and reunions with family can be extremely stressful. Additionally, people’s routines become abnormal and there are opportunities to indulge in both food and alcohol. All of this can take a toll on ones mental health.

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Knowing When It's Time to Seek Help for Depression

Feeling sad or having "the blues" occasionally is a normal part of life. But when those feelings persist daily over weeks or months and begin impacting your ability to function, it may indicate something more serious- depression. This mental health condition affects more than 17 million American adults each year.

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September is National Suicide Prevention Month—How Can You Help a Loved One who is Struggling?

September is designated National Suicide Prevention Month, aiming to raise awareness on this heartbreaking issue impacting far too many.

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Empowering Kids to be More Independent and Confident in the New School Year

The start of a new school year is an exciting time full of new beginnings. As a parent, this transition period also provides an excellent opportunity to instill confidence and independence in your kids.

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The Impact of Unhealthy Thought Patterns and Offsetting Them with Compassion

Psychologists have long studied the deep interconnectedness of our thoughts and actions. Both negative, unhealthy thoughts and positive thoughts can impact our health, well-being and overall mental state. At times, we may feel stuck in a loop, overthinking unpleasant encounters, experiences, or setbacks we’ve endured.

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How to Guide Children and Teens Through Life’s Transitions

Change is inevitable and not always easy. Transitions or any disruption to the normal routine can be difficult to cope with at any age, but can be especially challenging for children.

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Mindfulness—A Powerful Tool in Managing Your Mental Health

The month of May is dedicated to raising awareness and reducing the sigma surrounding mental and behavioral health issues. Per the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five American’s live with a mental health condition and it is thought that many more suffer silently and do not seek treatment.

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